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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Facts about Cannabis

Cannabis. Cannabis used medically does have several well-documented beneficial effects. Among these are: the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, lowered intraocular eye pressure (shown to be effective for treating glaucoma), as well as general analgesic effects (pain reliever).
The three main forms of cannabis products are the herb (marijuana), resin (hashish, hasheesh, hashisha, or simply hash), and oil (hash oil). THC is typically considered the primary active component of the cannabis plant, but various scientific studies have suggested that certain other cannabinoids like CBD may also play a significant role in its psychoactive effects.The UNODC states that marijuana often contains 5% THC content, resin "can contain up to 20% THC content", and that "Cannabis oil may contain more than 60% THC content." Skunk cannabis potency ranges usually from 6% to 15% and rarely as high as 20%.
Weed, pot, buddha or bud, Mary Jane, grass, herb, schwag, and reefer, are among the many other streetnames for marijuana or cannabis.
It is consumed in many different ways, most of which involve inhaling smoke from small pipes, paper-wrapped joints or tobacco-leaf-wrapped blunts. Hash can also be chewed, while the Hash-oil is used in several cannabis-foods.
cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties, stimulant, depressant and, hallucinogen, perhaps leaning the most towards hallucinogenic or psychedelic properties, though with other effects quite pronounced as well.

Some claim that trying cannabis increases the probability that users will eventually use "harder" drugs, though other Studies have shown that tobacco smoking is a better predictor of concurrent illicit hard drug use than smoking cannabis. However, because of the drug's illegal status, cannabis users are more likely to be in situations which allow them to become acquainted with people who use and sell other illegal drugs.
The minimum amount of THC required to have a perceptible psychoactive effect is about 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. Aside from a subjective change in perception and, most notably, mood, the most common short-term physical and neurological effects include increased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, impairment of short-term and working memory, psychomotor coordination, and concentration. Cannabis use has also been assessed by several studies to be correlated with the development of anxiety, depression and, psychosis. It has also been linked to the development of cirtain psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia.

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